21-24 September, 2011, Las Vegas.
One Billion people have no safe water to drink or wash. Mostly women and children.Please come to PURE:
* Water technology professionals with solutions
* Foundations, NGO's, and Charities with ability
* Government and community officials with insight
* Philanthropists and Venture capitalists with vision
Lack of clean water is a root cause of disease, war, famine, school failures and human trafficking. A society without access to clean water is not sustainable. Those with clean water are threatened by the influx of "water refugees" from areas without it.
Nearly three quarters of the Earth is covered with water. Yet nearly one fifth of the population lives in unsustainable situations due to underdeveloped drinkable water production. Drinkable water for most of these communities is often easily developed and sustainable, with little intervention. PURE Water Expo was designed for those determined to further this development.